A virtual training on the use of COVID-19 antigen rapid diagnostic test kits was conducted earlier this week at the Ministry of Health.
The training was conducted by Dr. Mohan Ravuru - Medical and Scientific Affairs Director at Abbott Rapid Diagnostics (APAC). Dr. Mohan is a Physician Researcher with over 15 years experience in the in vitro diagnostics industry.
The programme was attended by appoximately 40 participants, including Doctors, Virologists, Microbiologists and Epidemiologists.
Dr. Saman Rathnayaka - Deputy Director General Laboratory Services, Dr. Vijith Gunasekara - Director Laboratory Services, Dr. K Wickramanayake - Director Medical Supplies Division, Dr. Sudath Dharmaratne - Director Healthcare,Quality and Safety (Castle Street Hospital), Prof. Indika Karunatilake - Chairman Sri Lanka Medical Association participated in the training, along with several other key individuals from the Ministry of Health.
George Steuart Health hopes to continue the educational training programmes, aimed at enhancing the knowledge of healthcare practitioners, for successful disease combat.